Friday, May 28, 2021

Failures: Field of Medicine and Related Health Industries


    While medical biotechnology has made significant advances and has many benefits, anything this fast-growing and strong is sure to raise particular worries and challenges. Medical biotechnology is a contentious medical topic that raises ethical concerns.

1. Clinical studies pose a risk to human life 

    The influence of medical technologies during clinical trials is a significant danger. People can and have been injured and even killed due to the technology's experiments since it is new. Because of these dangers, a significant study should be conducted before ever considering bringing technology to human beings. Anyone taking part in a study should be well aware of all potential outcomes. Unfortunately, the paradox is that many sick patients are prepared to try new things in exchange for a chance to be treated. This means that researchers and clinicians have a significant ethical duty to fully explain the costs to patients and respect their final decision.

2. The underprivileged may be included due to the high cost 

    What is the cost of medical biotechnology, which can make medicine more efficient and simpler? When compared to standard therapies, this technology is sometimes prohibitively costly. There is a constant back-and-forth concerning finding new medical breakthroughs and the cost of doing research and then marketing the results for sale. There is also fear that the exorbitant prices of specialized therapies may prevent an entire class of individuals from benefiting from them. This is also a tremendous give-and-take situation, with science and medicine having a responsibility to aid all patients, not just those who can afford the finest treatment.

3. Privacy concerns 

    In this technological society, privacy is a constant concern, but accessing someone's DNA appears to be a significant violation. Consider a doctor who examines a young child's DNA and discovers that he or she is at risk of developing a heart condition or other deadly illness. Is it legal for their employer to know that? Should this information influence their ability to purchase a home or obtain insurance? HIPAA provides some protection, but as medical innovation advances and the capacity to read DNA becomes more common, insurance companies, physicians, and governments will need to develop new programs and privacy strategies to meet all new demands.

 4. Stem cell research dispute  

    Medical biotechnology is a contentious political subject, with presidential candidates being questioned about it. Working with fetal or other tissue to understand regeneration conjures up visions of Frankenstein's monster. Scientists and researchers have been warned several times to conduct this study ethically and morally. Utilizing human tissue for study, for example, is ethical; however, using an embryo's tissue is unethical since it might harm the embryo. Although stem-cell research is still in its early stages, scientists will be forced to explore moral and ethical issues even more as technology and research advances.

5. National concern of bioterrorism 

    Medical biotechnology has been utilized to assist and prevent many individuals from becoming victims of bioterrorism. However, the development of these programs diverts funds and effort away from existing ailments. It becomes a severe challenge of allocating resources across projects and determining where they are most required. It is challenging because we do not know if bioterrorism will kill people, but it seems like a great location to invest time and money with so many people concerned.

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