Friday, May 28, 2021



        Biotechnology is known as the use of artificial means to change the genetic material of live animals or cells to develop novel chemicals or perform new activities. It creates and manufactures biological medicines and products for patient care using live systems or molecular engineering. Large-molecule proteins, peptides, monoclonal antibodies, cell, tissue, and genetic treatments, liposomes, polymers, and molecularly designed vaccines are all major product categories.

        In this day and age, biotechnology has dramatically influenced research, health care, legislation, the regulatory environment, and the commercial world. Evens and Kaitin (2015) noted that over 260 innovative biotechnology products were authorized for over 230 indications during this time. In 2013, global sales of these goods surpassed $175 billion, sustaining a thriving life sciences industry with over 4,600 biotech businesses worldwide.

Glimpse of HISTORY

    Evens and Kaitin (2015) mentioned that pioneering biotechnology research might be dated back to the mid-1970s. However, the biotech sector as we know it today emerged in the 1980s, with scientific breakthroughs leading to biotech product commercialization. Historically, the majority of human illness treatments were small-molecule (chemical) pharmaceuticals produced by well-known pharmaceutical corporations. Small start-up biotechnology businesses started researching large-molecule (biologic) medications based on or created from biological tissue in the 1980s. If we talk about research and development (R&D) and product sales, biologics are currently a key focus of both pharmaceutical and biotech organizations. This industry is known as biopharmaceuticals. For recombinant DNA proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines, proof of principle for research and product development has been developed. Recombinant proteins were employed for the first time to cure severe debilitating illnesses including diabetes, anemia, and growth retardation—diseases caused by a protein deficit.

    Molnar and Gair (2015), in their book "Concepts of Biology - 1st Canadian Edition," claimed that since the dawn of agriculture, biotechnology had been utilized to improve animals and crops through selective breeding. Biotechnology has been synonymous with the molecular manipulation of organisms' DNA since the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953, and especially with the invention of tools and methods to manipulate DNA in the 1970s. Medicine (for the manufacturing of vaccines and medicines) and agriculture are the two main uses of this technology (for genetically modifying crops). Biotechnology offers a variety of industrial applications, including as fermentation, oil spill cleaning, and biofuel production, as well as a variety of home applications, such as the use of enzymes in laundry detergent.

Breakthroughs: Field of Medicine and Related Health Industries

        Biotechnology has contributed numerous innovations in the field of medicine. The discovery of technologies to modify and fix mutant genes and knowledge of our species' genetic makeup and the genetic foundation of heritable disorders has provided approaches to cure illnesses. Biotechnology in agriculture can improve crop output and quality by increasing resistance to disease, pests, and environmental stress.

Genetic Diagnosis and Gene Therapy

       Genetic diagnosis via genetic testing is the practice of testing for potential genetic abnormalities before delivering therapy. In rare situations, family members may be urged to undertake genetic testing if a hereditary condition is present in the family. Mutations in the BRCA genes, for example, may raise the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women, as well as various other malignancies in both men and women. These mutations can be detected in a woman with breast cancer. If one of the high-risk variants is discovered, her female relatives may want to get tested for that mutation or be extra cautious for malignancies. In families with certain severe disorders, genetic testing for babies (or embryos with in vitro fertilization) is also available to assess the presence or absence of disease-causing genes.

       Gene therapy is a type of genetic engineering that might one day be used to treat hereditary illnesses. Its most basic form entails inserting a non-mutated gene at a random spot in the genome to treat a disease by replacing a protein that may be missing in these people due to a genetic mutation.

Human Genome Project

       The Human Genome Project (HGP) is a  scientific research project supervised by the National Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Energy. It was widely regarded as one of the most remarkable feats of exploration in human history. It was established in 1990 to discover the nucleotide base pair sequence that makes up human DNA. The researchers declared in April 2003 that they had finished a preliminary sequencing of the whole human genome. Researchers have begun to comprehend the blueprint for constructing a human through the HGP's efforts. Researchers have pinpoint genes that cause illnesses as they understand more about the roles of genes and proteins.

Production of Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Hormones

    To boost the immune system, traditional vaccination procedures employ weakened or inactive versions of germs or viruses. Modern approaches clone specific genes from microorganisms onto vectors and mass-produce certain chemicals in bacteria in vast quantities to boost the immune system. After then, the material is employed as a vaccine. Genes cloned from the virus have been utilized to battle the virus's continually changing strains in some circumstances, such as the H1N1 flu vaccine.

      Antibiotics are naturally generated by microbes such as fungus and kill bacteria; penicillin is possibly the best-known example. Antibiotics are mass-produced by growing and manipulating fungal cells on a considerable scale. To increase the yields of the antibiotic chemical, the fungal cells are usually genetically manipulated.

        Human growth hormone (HGH) is also utilized to treat childhood development problems. The HGH gene was cloned from a cDNA (complementary DNA) library and cloned into a bacterial vector before being introduced into E. coli cells.


        CRISPR is for Clustered Regularly Interspersed Short Palindromic Repeats, and it is a novel gene-editing technique that has been lauded as a game-changing tool in medical research. HIV research is one of its numerous applications. Cas9, a protein that works like a pair of molecular scissors and can cut DNA, is used in this technique. Advances like CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing might lead to a cure for some ailments. Germline editing has the potential to heal illnesses with long-term intergenerational effects (e.g., cystic fibrosis). Somatic genome editing has the potential to regulate and even cure illnesses. Consider genome editing to eliminate the PCSK9 gene in the adult liver, the primary location of cholesterol manufacturing, with the potential to prevent hypercholesterolemia for the rest of one's life.

Additional Milestone of Biotechnology

  • Stem Cell Research
  • Targeted Cancer Therapies
  • 3D visualization and augmented reality for surgery
  • HPV vaccine
  • Face Transplants
  • 3D Printed Organs
  • Nerve Regeneration
  • Brain Signals to Audible Speech


        Digital technology and big data are two of the most significant advancements. Massive volumes of real-time health data are being created and recorded, which will be crucial in creating a learning health system. The capacity to combine and analyze data from many sources will help us better understand illness patterns and health factors, particularly socioeconomic determinants of health.

        Indeed, biotechnology has many innovations and opportunities to offer in the field of medicine. Science and technological advancements frequently pose social and ethical issues for society. For example, societies must evaluate how to regulate the use and adoption of developing technologies and guarantee that risks and benefits are distributed fairly and equally. Currently, "evidence-based" medicine frequently depends on study findings based on data that may lack gender, ethnicity, and age diversity. AI alone will not be able to overcome these prejudices.

      Furthermore, certain future technologies will need civilizations taking into account the consequences on society structures (such as families), belief systems (such as religion), and cultural norms (e.g., attitudes about sexuality, race, and disability). Consider attitudes regarding disability: Because medical and technical advances enable the treatment or even cure of sickness and disability, it will be critical to guarantee that people with disabilities may continue participating fully in society, even if they opt-out of new genetic treatments. Such situations may have real-world ramifications for society and government policy. For instance, reduced birth abnormalities may result in less public support for meeting the requirements of persons with disabilities. Similarly, the possibility of using genome editing technology for improvement raises worries about increasing existing societal imbalances or pressuring people to utilize technologies they would not pick otherwise.

        Biotechnology would not have reached this far without the failures as part of the research process. In the next blog, we will be dealing with the recorded fiasco in the making of biotechnological innovations and how this affected medicine and society.

Failures: Field of Medicine and Related Health Industries


    While medical biotechnology has made significant advances and has many benefits, anything this fast-growing and strong is sure to raise particular worries and challenges. Medical biotechnology is a contentious medical topic that raises ethical concerns.

1. Clinical studies pose a risk to human life 

    The influence of medical technologies during clinical trials is a significant danger. People can and have been injured and even killed due to the technology's experiments since it is new. Because of these dangers, a significant study should be conducted before ever considering bringing technology to human beings. Anyone taking part in a study should be well aware of all potential outcomes. Unfortunately, the paradox is that many sick patients are prepared to try new things in exchange for a chance to be treated. This means that researchers and clinicians have a significant ethical duty to fully explain the costs to patients and respect their final decision.

2. The underprivileged may be included due to the high cost 

    What is the cost of medical biotechnology, which can make medicine more efficient and simpler? When compared to standard therapies, this technology is sometimes prohibitively costly. There is a constant back-and-forth concerning finding new medical breakthroughs and the cost of doing research and then marketing the results for sale. There is also fear that the exorbitant prices of specialized therapies may prevent an entire class of individuals from benefiting from them. This is also a tremendous give-and-take situation, with science and medicine having a responsibility to aid all patients, not just those who can afford the finest treatment.

3. Privacy concerns 

    In this technological society, privacy is a constant concern, but accessing someone's DNA appears to be a significant violation. Consider a doctor who examines a young child's DNA and discovers that he or she is at risk of developing a heart condition or other deadly illness. Is it legal for their employer to know that? Should this information influence their ability to purchase a home or obtain insurance? HIPAA provides some protection, but as medical innovation advances and the capacity to read DNA becomes more common, insurance companies, physicians, and governments will need to develop new programs and privacy strategies to meet all new demands.

 4. Stem cell research dispute  

    Medical biotechnology is a contentious political subject, with presidential candidates being questioned about it. Working with fetal or other tissue to understand regeneration conjures up visions of Frankenstein's monster. Scientists and researchers have been warned several times to conduct this study ethically and morally. Utilizing human tissue for study, for example, is ethical; however, using an embryo's tissue is unethical since it might harm the embryo. Although stem-cell research is still in its early stages, scientists will be forced to explore moral and ethical issues even more as technology and research advances.

5. National concern of bioterrorism 

    Medical biotechnology has been utilized to assist and prevent many individuals from becoming victims of bioterrorism. However, the development of these programs diverts funds and effort away from existing ailments. It becomes a severe challenge of allocating resources across projects and determining where they are most required. It is challenging because we do not know if bioterrorism will kill people, but it seems like a great location to invest time and money with so many people concerned.


Evens, R. & Kaitin, K. (2015). The Evolution of Biotechnology and its Impact on Health Care. Health Affairsvol. 34, No. 2: Biomedical Innovation. Retrieved from, May 26, 2021.

Dzau, V. & Balatbat, C. (2018). Health and societal implications of medical and technological advances. Science Translational Medicine. Vol. 10, Issue 463. Retrieved from, May 27, 2021.

Mahato, S. (n.d.). Ten Recent Biotechnology Advances in Medicine. Explore Biotech. Retrieved from, May 26, 2011.

Molnar, C. and Gair, J. (2015). Introduction to Biotechnology. Concepts of Biology - 1st Canadian Edition. Retrieved from, May 26, 2021.

Western Governors University (2018). Medical biotechnology: advancements and ethics. Nursing & Healthcare. Retrieved from, May 24, 2021.